Moving on原來需要時間適應。說了要move on,並不代表一覺醒來就沒事了。想到時,心,還是會痛。不想時,好像什麽都沒發生。只能用忙碌來不想。不上班、不上課的日子,可以怎麽忙呢?看書。好多的書,買了沒看。現在終于有時間好好的坐下來看書。今天看了《功夫熊貓》,很好笑。接近兩個小時,一直在笑。生活如果像熊貓如此簡單,那該有多好。難過的昨天,只能自己一個人蹲在飯廳歇斯底里的哭了一下。move on,不是一個容易的動作。I know I can do it, because I'm ready.  I just need more time to adjust.  Going away, is a way.  I hope... really hope to go away.  Anywhere, as long as it's a different life style.  I need that.  Please let me get what I want.  I know I've always got what I wish for.  But never this much.  I really want this.  Please let me have this.  Please...

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